Shell Advance Asia Talent Cup riders complete Aragon test
Friday, 21 February 2014
Following the tough selection process, conducted at Sepang in Malaysia, the riders making up the inaugural Shell Advance Asia Talent Cup series have undergone an intense test programme at MotorLand Aragon in Spain.
After preliminary briefings the young riders from Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Singapore and the Philippines took on the demanding five kilometre-long Aragón circuit at the controls of their Honda NSF250R Moto3 bikes - which they will race in this year’s Shell Advance Asia Talent Cup.
Under the watchful eye of Alberto Puig, talent scout and the man at the helm of the championship, the riders undertook their four days of training, divided into various groups.
Not only did they look into improving riding technique, but also used the time to adapt to their motorcycles and take more advice from Puig ahead of the opening race of the season which coincides with the start of the MotoGP™ World Championship campaign in Qatar on Sunday 23rd March.
Alberto Puig, Shell Advance Asia Talent Cup Director:
“The important thing is that we have achieved what we set out to do, which was to get laps in. We have been lucky with the weather because it has not rained – it has been cold, but it has not rained – and this was very important.”
“The bike worked well and the riders understood it well, as well as understanding the tyres well. It was a question of adaptation, as many had never ridden this bike, so I am very happy about that because achieving plenty of laps was the goal this week.”